Remember the year 1865 when Blacks finally came alive
when the Civil war ended so others could survive
to see a new day though still far away from the final destination.
Remember 1873 when the Winchester, Springfield, and Colt set people free
The year the first great recession was teaching everyone a lesson
about why we aren’t really free as long as currency rules the day.
Remember 1914 and World War I and every nation grabbed a gun
When wives lost husbands and only a World War Later she loses a son
now she’s the only one wondering where has all the peace gone.
Remember 1965 when a fast mustang and we shall overcome was sang
when a baby was born named Rodney King whose debut in Hollywood
came at a time when we first heard the name. And we thought we'd seen it all.
Remember 1975 when Vietnam and napalm went hand in hand
when hippies and soul brothers stopped slapping five and giving dap
when drugs fell into corporate laps and did a reverse hierarchy.
Remember 2001 and 9 11 when people everywhere stood numb.
Started pointing fingers at strangers saying I’m gonna
get you son and the world was changed forever.
Remember today when you gained a friend named Divya
From India and Leslie from Ghana
while Dyhan from Iran and Bomi from Africa opened thier hearts
to Leah from Spain
and no one remembers the hatred of yesterday.
Smoker’s Lungs
5 months ago